Access Community Therapists is a leading provider of clinical workshops in British Columbia. These comprehensive continuing education programs are offered on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Workshops vary from 1 to 4 days, are interactive, hands on and take place in a small group learning environment.
Interested in Access hosting a workshop in your area? We can travel to you! Workshops include: Wheelchair Seating and Positioning: Practical Applications; Wheelchair Seating and Positioning: Advanced Applications; Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Disorders: Assessment and Management; The Pressure is On! and Pressure Mapping: How to Use and Interpret Results. Email us to inquire.
To receive information about upcoming workshops as well as registration information, please sign up for our Education Notification Newsletter below.
Wheelchair Seating and Positioning: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
This hands-on, intensive workshop is presented over 2 days. After completion of this 2-day workshop, attendees will understand the principles of seating and the roles of the client, therapist, and vendor/technician, be able to perform a complete seating assessment including the supine mat assessment and sitting simulation, and identify targeted outcomes of seating and product parameters for equipment trials. Attendees will also learn to provide justification for requested seating components and follow-up on targeted outcomes to determine success of the seating intervention.
Vancouver dates June 9 & 10
sign up FOR our newsletter above or send us an email expressing your interest
wheelchair seating and positioning: ADVANCED applications
A hands-on intensive two-day workshop led by Lindsay Alford BSc OT and Danielle Rae MOT, for therapists who have completed the “Wheelchair Seating and Positioning: Practical Applications” workshop and are working with individuals with complex seating needs. This course will review the seating clinical process and build on this foundational knowledge, exploring complex seating intervention through a mix of presentation, case studies, and hands-on experiential learning with clients and vendors in small breakout groups.
Vancouver dates TBD
sign up FOR our newsletter above or send us an email expressing your interest
Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Disorders: Assessment and Management
This is a 4 session VIRTUAL workshop on the clinical assessment and management of eating, drinking and swallowing disorders. Video clips and case studies will be used and will include various population groups.
Not currently scheduled - sign up FOR our newsletter above or send us an email expressing your interest
the pressure is on!
This practical 2-day workshop is intended for clinicians who wish to increase their knowledge and expand their role in pressure management. It highlights the interdisciplinary work of the nurse and occupational therapist in prevention and management of pressure ulcers.